Hijab Women's Smart Casual OOTD: Ramadan Fashion Trends that are Suitable for Bukber with Office Colleagues

OOTD Smart Casual Hijab Women -Hijup-

RADARPEKALONGAN.DISWAY.ID – For those of you who still feel unfamiliar, the hijab women’s smart casual OOTD is a style of clothing that combines formal and casual elements.

This outfit is very suitable for events that require a neater appearance than casual, but not too stiff like formal clothes.

The combinations that are usually used are soft colors, blouse tops or shirts with trousers and skirts, which have recently become a popular Ramadan fashion trend this year.

So, here are some inspirations for smart casual outfits that can be a reference for you to choose an outfit that suits your style.

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Inspiration for Smart Casual OOTD for Hijab Women

1. Pastel shirt and black bottoms

This style is quite simple and comfortable. You only need to choose a color that suits your style and situation.

The recommended colors that you can use are sage green and soft khaki.

Shirts with bishop sleeves and jabot collars or ribbon collars with full button accents will go well with trousers or plain black plisket skirts.

To add to a formal appearance that is still relaxed, you can use a hijab tied at the back and a shoulder bag.

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