It turns out that men spend more on clothes than women do

New research suggests that men invest more in fashion than women do.

According to a study conducted by American Express and Nectar, men spend 43 per cent more on clothes every month than women do – shelling out £115 compared to their female counterparts, who only spend a more modest £81.

Despite this, 64 per cent of men claim they “wouldn’t be bothered” if someone said their style was out of fashion, even though they spent more on their look. Conversely, more than a third of women said a compliment on their fashion sense would “make their day”.

As a whole, the research found that Brits spend an average of £1,093 a year updating their wardrobes, purchasing around 37 new items, and that they spend more on clothes every month than going out (£75), personal grooming (£51) or new technology or gadgets (£50).

But that’s not to say that shoppers aren’t savvy when it comes to purchasing; The three biggest priorities for people when thinking about upgrading their wardrobes to something new are the price, fit and how much wear they will get out of the item.

Survey results from UK study of 2,000 adults in the UK, conducted by OnePoll in January 2018.